How to get to Kava EVM

Guide on transferring tokens to Kava EVM

Using Kava with MetaMask

Step 1: Add the Kava Network to Your MetaMask

To add the Kava Network to MetaMask, use the following details:

  • Network Name: Kava

  • New RPC URL:

  • Chain ID: 2222

  • Currency Symbol: KAVA

  • Explorer URL:

Step 2: Connect Your MetaMask Wallet

  1. Navigate to Kava App Balances and connect your MetaMask wallet.

  2. Once connected, you will see two addresses:

First Address: This is your Kava EVM address, which is the same as on any other EVM chain like ETH Mainnet, Arbitrum, Optimism, etc.

Second Address: This is your Kava-specific address, connected to your EVM address. When you send Kava tokens to this address (starting with "kava196cd..."), they will also appear in your MetaMask wallet.

Step 3: Purchase and Withdraw KAVA from CEX

  1. Go to your favorite CEX

  2. Buy some KAVA tokens.

  3. Whitelist your Kava address on your CEX

  4. Withdraw the tokens to your wallet, making sure to leave the memo field blank.

Note: Always withdraw tokens to the address that starts with "kava"; for example, "kava196..."

Congratulations, you now have Kava tokens on the Kava EVM chain!

Migrating ATOM to Kava using Keplr

Step 1: Install the Keplr Wallet

  1. Download the official Keplr wallet.

  2. Install the browser extension.

  3. Set up your Keplr wallet and make sure to write down your recovery phrases and store them in a secure location.

  4. Pin the extension to your browser and select Cosmos from the dropdown menu to view your wallet balance.

Your ATOM wallet address will start with "cosmos", e.g., "cosmos1mcxetzvqytz8thhjw4sld0h5f24j88893uf7hp."

Step 2: Purchase and Withdraw ATOM from CEX

  1. Buy some ATOM tokens.

  2. Whitelist your ATOM address on Binance.

  3. Withdraw the tokens to your Keplr wallet, making sure to leave the memo field blank.

  4. Once the withdrawal is complete, you will see your new ATOM balance in the Keplr wallet.

Step 3: Connect Keplr to Kava

  1. Navigate to Kava App Balances.

  2. Connect your Keplr wallet.

  3. You should now see your ATOM balance in the Keplr wallet.

Step 4: Send ATOM to Kava

  1. In Keplr, find the ATOM token and click "Send."

  2. Choose "IBC Send" and find Kava in the list.

  3. Ensure you leave a small amount of ATOM tokens in your Cosmos hub for future gas fees.

Last updated